Florida has long been celebrated for its active outdoor lifestyle. The beaches, boating, and abundant recreational activities keep Floridians active and centered around the beauty of the Sunshine State. This active lifestyle leads to Floridians spending a significant portion of the year in light apparel such as swimsuits, bikinis, and sandals, resulting in more awareness over their external appearance. Subsequently, Florida has established one of the highest demographics of sports club memberships in the United States, according to Fitness industry Management Company Gymdesk. Alongside this focus on physical fitness, there is a growing interest in holistic health solutions, including ibogaine treatment in Florida, which offers an alternative approach to overcoming addiction.
Ibogaine Florida
The Rise of Drug Use in Florida
This emphasis on external beauty can lead to individuals experimenting with dangerous drugs, including amphetamines such as speed, cocaine, and methamphetamine in order to induce weight loss. “Methamphetamine use in South Florida is at an all-time high and continues to rise, said Nico V., Program Director at The Avante Ibogaine Institute. These substances are viewed by unknowing, casual users as short-term solutions for weight control, but they soon realize that the addiction is extremely powerful and overwhelming.
In the early 2000s, Florida began seeing an uptick in opioid addiction cases. The introduction of highly addictive pharmaceutical opioids, including Purdue Pharma’s “Oxycontin” and Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals “Roxicodone,” became favorites of youth and unsuspecting users alike. By 2005, a proliferation of pain clinics, also termed pill mills, began popping up around the state. These clinics were later found to have been excessively prescribing hundreds of millions of opioid pills to thousands of Floridians. The ease of access to these powerful drugs led to widespread dependency, fueling an epidemic of opioid addiction that devastated families and communities throughout Florida.
Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis
In 2010, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi launched a concerted campaign to “Kill Pill Mills”. Bondi, together with state attorney offices and law enforcement agencies, forged a slate of initiatives and legislative bills aimed at cracking down on the rash of overprescribing Florida pain clinics. This included formulating a prescription inventory control system aimed at curbing the opportunity for doctor shopping, the act of visiting multiple clinics to secure multiple prescriptions for the same ailment. The Florida Legislature quickly adopted the Bills into law and over the next 3 years, the Florida Pill Mill industry was reduced from 921 Florida Pain Clinics to under 100.
The success of these initiatives resulted in numerous arrests and convictions of rogue doctors, clinic operators, and owners. Despite these efforts, the abrupt clinic closures left tens of thousands with severe opioid addiction. With nowhere to source medically supervised opioid prescriptions, heroin use skyrocketed throughout the state. Around 2016, heroin laced with fentanyl, a substance 50 times more potent than heroin, began appearing in the state. Overdoses became a daily event throughout many U.S. states, resulting in numerous overdose deaths by users who were unaware that they were ingesting fentanyl. The introduction of fentanyl created an even worse scenario, overwhelming public health systems and emergency services.
Role of Ibogaine Treatment
As the epidemic raged on, individuals and their families began seeking ibogaine treatment for opioid and fentanyl addiction. Ibogaine treatment in Florida in not available due to the legal structure of ibogaine in the United States. However, the Avante Ibogaine Institute located just 100 miles off of the coast of Miami offers safe and effective clinical ibogaine treatment for fentanyl detox, heroin detox, and pharmaceutical opioid detox. Ibogaine treatment in Florida, provided through the Avante Ibogaine Institute, also offers an effective solution for overcoming addiction.
Avante Ibogaine Institute: A Nearby Solution
The Avante Ibogaine Institute is the nearest clinical ibogaine treatment facility for those seeking ibogaine treatment in Florida and serves as a crucial resource to combat the fentanyl and opioid epidemic. In addition, clinical ibogaine treatment offers an effective treatment solution to end the cycle of addiction to ethanol/alcohol, methamphetamine, cocaine, crack, and other substances. It is also effective at treating post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and more.
Contact Us to Learn About Ibogaine Treatment In Florida
For over a decade, the Avante Ibogaine Institute has successfully treated Florida patients struggling with addictions to opioids, amphetamines, and alcohol. The Avante team is responsible for developing some of the most commonly adopted treatment protocols used in the ibogaine treatment industry today. Ibogaine offers the most rapid and comfortable detox treatment available, and The Avante Ibogaine Institute is well
respected for providing the most innovative ibogaine treatments and high-grade compassionate clinical care.
If you or someone you care about is battling addiction, please contact the Avante Ibogaine Institute for help.